Ministry Information

If you want to get more connected to Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Sozo can help.

Our Sozo ministers are skilled in helping you encounter your Creator. In His presence, things change. In His presence is fullness of joy. In His presence, all things become new. We fully expect you to find healing in the presence of God.

Please note, however, that our Sozo ministers are NOT licensed counselors. We are trained as prayer ministers. We do not engage in long-term, ongoing ministry with individuals. The majority of those we minister to will receive everything they need in one or two sessions. In certain circumstances we may schedule multiple sessions over the course of several weeks or months. But at no time will we participate in ongoing counseling or therapy of any kind. If you are in need of counseling or therapy, we may be able to help you find a qualified counselor to meet that need.

It is also important to understand that Sozo is a ministry to individuals. We do not minister to couples together (although we highly recommend that couples do get Sozoed individually).

We also do not recommend that parents sit in on their children’s Sozo session unless the child is too young or has special needs that will prevent them from effectively engaging with the Sozo minister.To learn more about Sozo ministry, please click here.